How is Crane Access Trestle Used in Marine Construction?

Crane access trestles allow cranes to get to areas that are ordinally difficult to reach. Made of steel sheet pile, steel pipe, and other materials, they offer a platform for doing work that’s sturdy and stable, and they allow for minimal disruption to the environment. When it comes to marine construction, they’re a great alternative to barges for creating a platform for heavy equipment. They’re particularly useful for large bridge construction, ocean outfall construction, and the building of shoreline marine structures. Crane access trestles have played an important role in several major bridge construction projects in recent years, including the construction of the New NY Bridge and the Tappan Zee Bridge.


Crane access trestles reduce the necessity of dredging, which translates to less disruption to river ecology and ultimately less disruption to construction projects by speeding up their timelines. Trestles reduce the need for dredging by allowing heavy machinery to be operated over shallow water. Since it is difficult for barges to maneuver in shallow areas of water without dredging intervention, crane access trestles offer a viable and logical solution, ultimately replacing the need for barges and eliminating the need for dredging. Since dredging can only happen during certain months in some areas, waiting for an area to be dredged can slow things down significantly.


Sometimes crane access trestles are bolstered by bulkheads, which helps prevent shorelines from coastal erosion. The bulkheads serve as walls that keep the soil back and prevent it from being carried out into the water. This ultimately aids in stabilizing the shore that surrounds the trestles.

Crane access trestles can often support up to 250-ton cranes as well as other equipment. These trestles often lower the number of trucks carrying equipment that have to travel through areas that surround construction. Crane access trestles are only accessible by boat once installed in most cases. A typical installation of crane access trestles might extend 1,000 feet from the shoreline, and it would be situated parallel from the marine structure under construction.


Steel pipe pile is an essential component to the foundation of most crane access trestles. Pipe piling between 24” and 40” is typical. The size of piling in terms of both thickness and length depends on how much support the crane access trestles need to provide based on factors like the weight of equipment as well as the soil conditions. Once the trestles are constructed, made up of individual piling components, they frequently span several hundred or over a thousand feet.


Although new crane access trestles are often customized to particular projects, once those projects are complete, trestles can easily be applied to other projects. Buying used crane access trestles can save your project some money. It’s imperative, though, to make sure a project engineer verifies that particular trestles will work for your particular projects and your equipment before you make any investments. When used crane access trestles are listed for sale, the weight of equipment they can support is usually mentioned in product descriptions. Sometimes simple adjustments to crane girder spacing can allow you to re-purpose used crane access trestles, particularly if trestles were initially designed for particular types of equipment and you’d like to use equipment of different dimensions (but similar weights) on them.


Eiffel Trading’s online marketplace boasts not only crane access trestle, but a wide variety of new and used construction materials including used crane mats, used HDPE pipe, and more. Furthermore, our equipment inventory ranges from used foundation equipment, to used barges, and much more.

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